Art Projects Grades 2 and 3, Uncategorized


This project was the perfect example of forcing myself out of my comfort zone for good.  I am just not into space stuff AT ALL.  I asked grade 3 kids if they would like to try out space stuff art and they got excited! And in the end I think it was grade 3’s most popular project. I linked this to both social studies and science, as their classes were into the phases of the moon and modern day inventions (satellites).

We started out by sketching different objects we wanted in our spacescapes. They needed a moon in any phase they preferred, and they needed one extra large object, one or two medium sized objects and as many smaller ones as they could fit.  We sketched the shapes in A4 cardboard, and the extra large object needed to be as big as they could fit.  Some students used 2 sheets for everything, some 3.  I always emphasize that they sketch lightly and that they identify basic shapes inside the objects they are trying to sketch. I handed printed out images of planets, the moon, moon vehicles, spaceships, people wearing space suits, satellites, meteorites and more.  Once students sketched what they wanted in their spacescapes, they proceeded to outline and color using oil pastels (for bigger shapes) and markers (for more detailed, smaller objects). I explained how to blend in pastels, to start with the medium color and then enhance with lighter and darker shades.  The moons turned particularly cool using this technique, we started coloring roughly with gray then adding texture with darker gray and black and some white. We also splashed white acrylic paint on black cardboard, to make our galaxies. Once all the objects were nicely colored, we cut out the shapes and arranged in the dried up galaxies.  I reminded students to play a bit with composition, and to place some objects in the corners and then cutting them out (you don’t want all of the shapes somewhere whole in the middle) this helps our galaxies look more realistic and cool.  Students usually need reminders to stick all properly, I tell them it needs to look like ONE piece of paper, or the visual effect will not be appealing! We got lots of compliments with these project!



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